

Music Hall 2020
The best place to know Lithuanian Music - meet your celebrities and talk to them - get autographs, buy latest CD‘s, DVD‘s or vinyl records - listen to great music since early morning till late night is MUSIC HALL 2020 at VILNIUS BOOK FAIR 20 – 23rd of February 2020 in Vilnius, Lithuania SUTARAS stand No 1.46 Welcome !!! More info:; sutaras facebook;;

Sutaras stand at Vilnius book fair Music hall
Information for leaders and memfers of Vilnius Folk groups according participatiion in Vilnius book fair 2019

NEXT, brand NEW, never HEARD SUPER ALBUM by SUTARAS + arriving to the HUMAN PLANET at 6 pm 25th of September 2018 at Vilnius Teachers’ House (Vilnius st. 39/6) White Hall; 1 pm 30th of September 2018 at Rumsiskes open-air Museum of Lithuania Barn Theatre-;; 7 PM 15th of November at Kaunas City Museum Folk Music Branch Hall (L. Zamenhofo Str. 4) Welcome everybody!!!

Will be placed in National Telivision Concert studio at 18th of NOVEMBER 12 am. Entry free. Waiting for each of You in Vilnius, S. Konarskio str. 49 All questions and suggestions via

Lithuanian Folklife Museum‘s theater 2017
Music for Whatever Reason! We are happy to announce that this summer, from May 7 to September 10, every Sunday at Rumšiškės, in the Folklife Museum‘s theater, you can hear the sounds of authentic folk instruments and songs from different regions of Lithuania. Performances by SUTARAS include sounds of oldest known ritual instruments, improvizations by shepherds, monodious and polyphonic music and dance melodies played for family and calendar feasts. In only one hour you will experience the full range of Lithuanian folk music and its affect on your spirit and senses. Performances will start at 1 pm. Welcome everyone!

ŽEMAIČIAI - Samogitians

EXPO 2015
The long wooden horns played by SUTARAS Lithuanian folk band has been an opening number at numerous highly significan events. The horns opened the Lithuanian Pavilion at the EXPO 2015 in Milan. That was the 6th time that the band participated at World Exhibitions. SUTARAS has opened the Baltic Students‘ Festival GAUDEAMUS, the last two National Folk Song Festivals, two gala concerts for members at NATO conferences, and many other events.

South America is not only a continent of dreams, but also a kingdom of music, soccer and carnivals, the birthplace of tango and other beautiful dances. When SUTARAS was preparing for a visit to Uruguay and Argentina, the band had to learn many dances that are known to Lithuanian folkdancers around the world and are performed at the grand National Dance and Song Festivals in Lithuania. The band‘s success topped all expectations. Reviews in the press, positive impressions after the concerts, warm conversations and repeated sincere appreciation formed lasting memories for the band members. In the province of Berisso, which is called „the immigrants‘ capital“, the 37th Festival for Immigrants drew over 70 thousand spectators and SUTARAS was named the festival‘s „honorary guest“. The group had solo performances at the festival and accompanied various Lithuanian dance groups - NEMUNAS, SKAIDRA, and GRIAUSTINIS dancing before an audience of five thousand. Musicians participated at the Festival‘s parades, performed for the Lithuanian community in Buenos Aires and for the Arts Department at the La Platta University. Unforgetable performances took place in Montevideo with the Lithuanian dance group AŽUOLYNAS at the Plaza Respublica de Lithuania. Especially memorable was a warm and emotional concert for the Lithuanian community of Montevideo followed by a special program for children.

In celebration of their 25th anniversary, the musicians of SUTARAS are releasing for the first time in Lithuania a folklore CD recorded live in a concert hall. The epithet “first” often accompanies the name SUTARAS as they are esteemed as trail-blazers. Indeed, Sutaras was the first professional group of musicians who started to play, sing, and dance authentic folklore in Lithuania. SUTARAS issued the first folklore DVD in Lithuania and began to record thematic programs for their albums. SUTARAS were pioneers in mixing genres by recording programs of ethnojazz and folk‘n‘roll, and they were the only performers representing Lithuania in five World Expos. Following the example of SUTARAS many ensembles have formed in Lithuania that imitate the instrumentation, and sound playing authentic and transformed folk music.

The list of productions by the company SUTARAS is filled with new recordings that are hard to find in music stores. In the section „Pop and Jazz“ you can find CDs by Arturas Anusauskas with both solo and quartet performances, an impressive collection of CDs by Dainius Pulauskas‘ Group, a brand new CD by well-known jazz Singer Neda and Labutis Jazz Quartet. A double CD, titled „It‘s Me“ marking ten years of the International Festival of Sung Poetry, can be found in the section „Transformed Folk Music.“ The section dedicated to minority ethnic groups in Lithuania is enriched with a unique recording - „Russian Fok Romances“ by ARINUShKA - a Russian folklore group from Vilnius. Another stylish and interesting CD, entitled „Old Faith“ was inspired by Russian folksongs recorded by Linas Rimša, ARINUShKA and other Lithuanian and Russian folk giants (outside of Lithuania look at ARC EUCD 2492). There is a also a unique DVD „Etnosphere – a new take on tradtions.“ Your orders and questions can be sent to

ALD – Sport and Art festival by Lithuanians living in Australia, uniting Lithuanians of Australia and remembering roots by historical Country of Grandfathers. Australians and members of other ethnic groups are attending and showing interest in Lithuanian cultural, sports and gastronomic traditions more and more. The 27th arts and 62nd sports Festivals just finished in Adelide, where sport masters, choirs and dance groups shined with diversity, maturity, dancers’ vivacity and passionate games by sport teams. SUTARAS musicians participated the festival for their third time, and their fourth time in Australia as they played for dance groups, accompanied choirs and ensembles of singers. SUTARAS’ solo programs performed in Sydney, Canberra, Adelide and Melbourne received much interest and thanks. Performances for scouts in a camp in Adelaide and at the Melbourne camp „Flame – Liepsnele“ will have long-lasting memories.

After a few successful Music Festivals in Poland (X Bialowieskie Integracje Artystyczne - Peretocze 2012 and Muzyczne DIALOGI nad Bugiem - Mielnik), SUTARAS musicians spent the last days of summer playing at FLORIADE 2012, World Horticultural Expo, in Venlo, Holland. Forty performances were played for crowds from all corners of globe amongst fragrant flowers and plants, where the harmony of nature was colored by intonations of Lithuanian dances and songs. Concerts were performed on an original stage made of bicycles…Photos:

folkBALTICA 2012
International folk and author compositions played by extra class musicians crowned the 8th International Festival folkBALTICA, which was held in and around Flensburg in May 9-13. Concerts, exhibitions, lessons, film screens, experiments by musicians on the stages of Germany and Denmark according to newspapers “induced one to forget the wind and rain.” Amongst the many superb bands and soloists, SUTARAS performances received particular attention and were a great success. Pictures and press responses can be found at

This CD is dedicated to all those who have nothing to eat today, do not know where they will sleep, clothe themselves with what they find in the street and live in uncertainty about what tomorrow will bring. That is: beggars, refugees, slaves, hostages, those who have been displaced, swindled, and unwelcomed in Europe…Africa…America…those who live in the Beggars’ Kingdom. Fate likes to play tricks, and who knows? Perhaps tomorrow fate will hand you a bindle as well. We do not wish you this, but when reading these lines remember that several hundred people in this world will die from hunger, forced labor, and shortages. Poverty and despair begin where marble glistens and gold bullions reign supreme. These riches are often piled on dry bones by those same hands, which, having nothing to hold on to, have swallowed human pride and reach out asking for water or bread...Yet the true beggar is not he who has nothing, but he who is a beggar in his spirit! Hence, we hope that you will come to understand the difference between a beggar, a vagabond and a robber. Included in the booklet of this CD is an excerpt from the work of historian PhD. Rima Praspaliauskienė titled Unnecessary and Dangerous: Beggars, Vagabonds and Robbers in the end of 18th-the first half of 19th century in Lithuania (Vilnius, Zara Publishing 2000). Therein the author traces the origins of the appearance of beggars in Europe and Lithuania, their ways of life, and the perspective of society towards people living in such conditions of need. In the article “Never Relinquish the Beggar’s Stick” ethnologist Gražina Kadžytė discusses the figure of the beggar in folklore, and analyzes the links with historical wizards and fortunetellers. The beggar is God’s messenger – a life teacher to whom one must listen, offer aid, and not shun since life is full of twists and turns, and you may end up in the beggar’s shoes… In the article “Songs of Cross-dressing Beggars/ Hymns of Samogitian Carnival,” PhD Lina Petrošienė provides information about the musical repertoire of beggars that was sung during various calendar festivals and rituals. She discusses the types of songs, their origins, paths of diffusion, and their influences. Recordings: Total time 64:40 Titles in Lithuanian / English: 1. Ubagų mišios: Beggars’ Mass (songs by beggars from different regions with similar lyrics: I was born a beggar, a simple person, I‘m going around the world glorifying all good-doers and those who give me something.) a. Aš užgimiau ubagėlis. b. Aš užgėmiau prasčiuokeliu. c. Aš užgimio ubagėlis. d. Aš užgėmiau prasčiokėlis. e. Aš užgimiau prasčiuokeliu. f. Aš užgimiau prasčiuokelis. g. Aš užgimiau prasčiuokeliu. h. Aš užgimiau prasčiuokelis. 2. Sunku ubagui gyventi unt svieta / It is Difficult for the Beggar to Live in this World 3. Aš obagas, pavargielius / I am a Beggar, a Weary One 4a. Eji ubags per kieminą / The Beggar was Going Around the Yard b. Šviesybė svieta vėsa / The Holiness of the World 5. Ubagėlis / Little Beggar 6. Pėnkės terbas pašokėnės / Loaded up Five Sacks 7a. Ant aukšta kelma sadėdamas / Sitting on High on a Wooden Stump b. Siedi senis an tėltelė / The Old Man is Sitting on a Small Bridge 8a. Seneli, Tėveli / Father, Old Father, Have You Eaten Anything Today? b. Pri Marijuos verpiejuos / With Maria who was Wpinning 9. Aš obagas labai štarkus / I‘m a Beggar Very Brave! 10a. Du ubagu / Two Beggars b. Obags un tėlta siediejo / The Beggar was Sitting on the Bridge 11a. Ei Tu Dievai, visagali / Hey God, You Almighty b. Kai aš ėjau per ūlyčių / As I was Crossing the Street 12. Išeji baisus smakas / The Dreadful Dragon Appeared 13. Liūdnas čėsas / When the Sad Time Came 14. Ubagai atpuske / The Beggars at the Feast 15. Giesmė apie Šv. Antaną / The Hymn for St. Anthony 16. Kad aš ėjau į Šidlavą / When I went to Sidlava 17a. Išėjau anksti po mišką grybauti / I‘m Going Mushroom Picking in the Forest Early Morning b. Iš tiek tuola atvažiavau / I Just Came from so Far c. Šimkus šešką sugava / Simkus Caught the Weasel 18. Ejė ubagas per tankų alksnyną / The Beggar was Walking through the Dense Alder Grove 19. Alleluja, esu bomas / Hallelujah! I’m a Bum 20. Gerai gyvena žmogus bagotas / The Rich Man Lives Well 21. Ubagų sala / The Island of Beggars With these songs and hymns we wanted to show the beggars’ problems, worldview and relationship with their surroundings and colleagues. We do not aim to replicate the repertoire of the past with the same tempos, timbres and intonations. Instead, we allow ourselves to sing and play the songs as they would sound today, thereby demonstrating the relevance, inventiveness, universality and improvisational potential of this repertoire. For more information please contact:;

SUTARAS wooden horns resaunded at final performance of Baltic students festival GAUDEAMUS XVI in Vilnius. We invite our friends and fans to Musikpavillon im Stadtgarten, Zeppelinallee 45879 Gelsenkirchen - Germany, where SUTARAS will play 7th of August 2011 19:30 h

EXPO 2010
Shanghai Expo was the fith world exhibition in Sutaras biography. In Lithuanian pavilion 29 perfomances were played in seven days. With the band played and danced along thousands of visitors. They showed unlimited attention and enthusiasm.

SUTARAS musicians pleyed together with well known MAXWELL STREET KLEZMER BAND from Chicago. Performance took place at Vilnius Tolerance Center 19th of May 2010

Vote for our song "Būk mano Vytautu!" (Be my Vytautas - name of Grand Duke of Lithuania, who won the battle in Grunwald 1410) in the Lithuanian Radio and LATGA/A competition for Lithuanian patriotic song at and

5000 !!!!!
After "brilliant performance with the enthusiastic reaction of the audience" in European Capital of Culture 09 - LINZ, 5000th SUTARAS public performance will be held in the Museum of Applied Art in Vilnius, 27th of March 2009, 18 pm. Welcome!

Just 20 years SUTARAS Folk Music Band carry Lithuanian traditional culture to the World. After the first public performance in Vilnius 30th of December 1988, 10 years anniversary took place at Australia's Woodford Folk festival stage in Queensland 30th of December 1998. 20th anniversary marked with participating in the programme of XXV Lithuanian Fest in Sydney in Australia again.

Only 19 performances left to No 5000! Who can beat that?????

SUTARAS is the first Lithuanian band invited to represent Lithuanian traditional culture fourth time in a row at World Expo exhibition 2008 Zaragoza. The band performed in Expo Lisboa 1998, Hannover 2000 and Aichi 2005. Lithuanian day at Expo 2008 is announced to be 23th of June.

LINZ - Capital of culture 2009
SUTARAS band will play in LINZ on 11th of March 2009. Concert begins at 19:30 in BRUCKNERHAUS.

On 30th of December 2008 SUTARAS band will celebrate 20th anniversary of it's existence. Nearly 5000 live performances has been played. Performances in Berlin "Grune Woche - 2008" on the 18-27th of January, Paris - 14th of February and Baku - 16th of February are coming soon.

CD Lithuanians from USA - third part of unique project published by SUTARAS. (Lithuanians from Australia CD and Lithuanians from Canada CD were published few years ago). You can order your copy using or ask in stores.

Musicians from SUTARAS band and Dainius Pulauskas Group will perform Lithuanian Folk and Roll project in Klaipeda Jazz Festival stage on Sunday, 15th of July 07

Lithuanians living in Czech Republik organize meeting in Roztoky u Krivokladu (direction from Prag to Pilzen) 25-27th of May 2007. Musicians of SUTARAS will be ready to play and dance there.

Lithuanian folk crafts fair will be held in Powerscourt Townhouse in Dublin 10-11th of March. SUTARAS musicians garantee good mood and music for love, meal and life.

SUTARAS last album OLD NEWS is released to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the Folk Music Band. Your numbered copy of original designed issue you can order on

After long trip musicians of SUTARAS gained a number of friends and impressions in Taiwan. In 47 performances in 30 days attenders of Taiwan I-Lan International Children's Folklore and Folkgame Festival sung, danced and learned lithuanian dances, songs and traditional instruments of Lithuania. The articles of SUTARAS performances were published in main newspapers of the Country such as "The Liberty Times", "China Times", "United Daily News" and has been shown on TV.

The SUTARAS band, winner of the 2004 Golden Bird (main award for performance of traditional culture) and the DAINIUS PULAUSKAS GROUP - winner of the 2004 Golden Disc (Lithuanian equivalent to the Grammy Award) launched new project - Lithuanian Folk'n'Roll dedicated to the City of Vilnius. All the compositions are based on folksongs (celebrating calendrical holidays, love, work, war and children's lore) that relate to Lithuania's capital - Vilnius. Listeners can easily recognize ballads "dressed up" as jazz, folksongs and dances embellished with Latin rhytms, Dixieland, fussion or hard rock. The first performance has been played in Kaunas, 27th of May and will be recorded on CD.

Hi 2006
SUTARAS recorded next album for Czech company FONTANA STUDIO (Fontana Music Library FN 188) in November 05. The sampler of pictures OUR INSTRUMENTS published in February 06 introduce lithuanian traditional instruments to audience worldwide. Descriptions in lithuanian and english.

The first digital videodisc with traditional Lithuanian music was published just before Christmas. It is performed by the SUTARAS folk group, which has been showing the beauty of Lithuanian songs, dances and instrumental music to world audiences since 1988.

After successful performances in Chicago and at World Expo in Aichi - Japan, SUTARAS music is played in STIKLIAI tavern in Vilnius old town.

Year 2005 SUTARAS musicians began with the performances far from home - in Australia and Berlin - Germany. On January 27-29th SUTARAS played in Uithoek Festival in Netherlands. On the 2nd of May we can meet at Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles.

After celebrating 15th anniversary of SUTARAS band, musicians are going to play in Berlin Messe "Grune Woche 04", 12th of April - NAMUR (Belgium), Enfance del' Europe Paqyes al' Abbaye; 9th of May - RIga (Latvia), Starptautiskais folkamūzikas festivals Stacijas laukuma; 17-25th of June - LEON (Spain), Fiestas de San Chuan y San Pedro/Camino de Europa; 28th of July to 1st of August - TERRE DI SIENA/Chianciano Terme (Italy), fieradell'est; 24th of September to 24th of October performances in USA (SAN DIEGO, LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, PITSBURG, DETROIT, ROCHESTER, NEW JERSEY. 21st to 20th of January 2005 SUTARAS will participate in Australian Lithuanian Days fest in MELBOURN (Australia). SUTARAS will play in ADELAIDE, CANBERRA ant SYDNEY also.

24th of August SUTARAS performance has been broadcasted live on the 1st program of the Lithunian national radio. 1,5 hour concert called NICE to HEAR will be published on CD.

2003 JULY
SUTARAS song IF I WOUD BE THE KING resaunded in events to commemorate 750 years of Grand Duke Mindaugas crowning The King of Lithuania in Vilnius. The song was published in very special CD edition of 100 examples.

On October 12th, the folk music band SUTARAS together with the musicians of the Vilnius Jazz Quartet took part at Frankfurt Book Fair. The following musicians participated: O. Molokojedov, V. Labutis, G. Laurinavicius, E. Kanevicius, A. Fokas, B. Glovickis, R. Guzauskas, R. Kunickas.

Autumn concert dates and places in USA: September 29th San Diego, Octoberber 5-6th Lithuanian Days in Los Angeles.

2002 MAY
The folk music band SUTARAS took part at the concerts in Canada and the USA. Concert dates: April 27 Toronto, May 4 Toronto, May 10 Boston, May 11 Philadelphia, May 12 New Haven, May 18-19 Los Angeles. American Lithuanian press and private persons appreciated the show and invited SUTARAS to come once again in autumn.

New, sixth album of Sutaras "Senos naujienos" ("Old News") (from XX century) is going to appear in the first quarter of this year. It is meant for the 10th anniversary of the band, which was celebrated still back on 30 December 1998, when SUTARAS held concerts in Woodford Folk Festival in Australia. The album contains unpublished works, which were recorded in 1988-98 in various studios and countries. Total number of copies (1.000) will be numbered and released in original design with a booklet in Lithuanian and English. The booklet will describe 10 year's activity of the band and will be illustrated with colour pictures.

The folk music band SUTARAS and the musicians of the VILNIUS JAZZ QUARTET organised a Christmas carnival playing Lithuanian enthno-jazz at the Russian Drama Theatre in Vilnius on December 28th. Four compositions of the joint project have already been recorded for the album: "Sutaras Folk Music Band" + "Vilnius Jazz Quartet" = "" All that composicions are going to be performed at the Jazz Festival in Birštonas on 22nd March 2002.

The President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus watched the performance of "Sutaras" at the restaurant "Stikliu Bociai" together with tourists from various countries. The President gave thanks to the musicians for a wonderful evening and for building the image of Lithuania for the citizens of foreign countries.

2001 JUNE
The folk music band SUTARAS won the major prize of the festival-competition "Riktingiausė mozėkontaa - 2001" ("Selected Musicians - 2001") in Telšiai in June 2001.