
KUKU SMF 6-002, 2001

This CD contains the repertoire by AY-KHEREL (Moonlight), one of the few folk bands of Tuva that constantly gives concerts. It is headed by Vladimir Soyan, honoured artist of Tuva. AY-KHEREL reflects the most striking traditions of the old and interesting Tuvan musical culture: 5 kinds of throat-singing (khoomei, kargyraa, sygyt, borbangnadyr, ezengileer), the most characteristic instruments (tosphulur, igil, chanzy, bizaanchy, limbi, kargyraa ir khomus), concentrated rhythm is based upon on the the spud of a galloping horse or the walking pace of a camel. The lyrics of songs pictures the nature of the country, relationships between the people, love for the animals they brees – the source of their food and clothing. 65 min. of music, a 12-page exhaustive booklet about the country, traditions, musical culture, performers and repertoire in english. CD sold only in Lithuania. to buy outside Lihuania please contact www.arcmusic.co.uk

7.26 Eur


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